CombiCarrierII Clinical Data
- Out of hospital Spinal Immobilization: Its Effect on Neurologic Injury
Mark Hauswald, MD, Gracie Omg, MBBS, Dan Tandberg, MD, Zailha Omar,MBBS - Spinal Immobilization for Trauma Patients
Kwan I, Bunn F, Roberts UG - Pain and tissueinterface pressures during spineboard immobilization
Cordell WH, Hollingsworth JC, Olinger ML, Stroman SJ, Nelson DR. – Emergency Medicine and Trauma Center, Methodist Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, USA. - Comparison of the Scoop Stretcher with the Long Backboard for Spinal Immobilization
Julie M Krell, MD, Matthew S McCoy, MD, Patrick J. Sparto, PhD, PT, Gretchen L. Fisher, NEMT-P, Walt A. Stoy, PhD, David P. Hostler, PhD - Eliminating Log Rolling as a Spine Trauma Order
Surgical Neurology International - Clinical Roundtable: Spinal Immobilization
Athletic Training and Sports Health Care

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