EVAC-U-SPLINT Adult Mattress Testimonials
The EVAC-U-SPLINT Adult Mattress is an one-in-one Spinal Motion Restriction (SMR) based device that is perfect for rural environments. Superb construction, superior patient comfort, ease of use, and years of proven reliability.
The EVAC-U-SPLINT continues to be one of the longest lasting vacuum splinting devices in the market. We have customers that are still using products made over 20 years ago. Every now and then we’ll field a call or see an order for a replacement o-ring or other little service item to keep them going for another 5 years. Its pretty amazing when you think about it. – Gary Williams CEO, Hartwell Medical LLC
“Proved durable, easy to use and an excellent addition to our emergency stores.”
“We fully endorse and have great confidence in their (mattress) use in the treatment of back and hip injuries in both ski area and back country rescue.”
“… in many ways its (mattress) use is superior to immobilization with a standard wooden spine board.”
“Everyone who sees this (mattress) product in use is amazed.”
“An added benefit is that because the device (pediatric mattress) is comfortable, the anxiety level of the child remains constant or is even reduced after immobilization.”

Vacuum Splint Products That Simply Work Better
Since our inception, Hartwell Medical has been known for innovative design, quality craftsmanship and exceptional customer service. All of our products are subjected to real-life field tests to ensure they meet our highest clinical standards and your ever-changing needs.
Contact our customer service for information on where to purchase, how to buy or arranging product demonstrations
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