FASPLINT® The Semi-Disposable Vacuum Splint
The FASPLINT semi-disposable vacuum splint provides optimum stabilization at an affordable price
The EVAC-U-SPLINT continues to be one of the longest lasting vacuum splinting devices in the market. We have customers that are still using products made over 20 years ago. Every now and then we’ll field a call or see an order for a replacement o-ring or other little service item to keep them going for another 5 years. Its pretty amazing when you think about it. – Gary Williams CEO, Hartwell Medical LLC
“Application of the FASPLINT® is limited only by the imagination.”
JEMS Hot Product Award – When product launched 2010! Going strong year-after-year. FASPLINT remains one of the most popular and in-demand products in the EMS industry.
Innovation Award – When product launched 2010
“These vacuum splints are the first true splints we have. Cardboard splints and inflatable “splints” do not truly function as splints; they forcibly conform the patient’s injured extremity into position. In so doing, the devices cause more pain, and can cause further injury due to compression and neurological and circulatory compromise (especially the inflatable splints).”
“We used FASPLINTs for the pelvis, we double-splinted for the thighs, we applied the FASPLINT to the neck and shoulders, and we used the FASPLINT for the frequently difficult-to-splint ankles and wrists”
“At the scene, the Paramedic Engine found the patient with a severely angulated fracture of both the tibia and fibula. The fracture site was just above the ankle. The patient was in severe pain and, to complicate matters, had been placed in a car by bystanders. Access was difficult. The paramedics found that sliding the splint around the fracture site & the foot was extremely easy. Upon applying suction, the splint completely encased the patient’s injured extremity so thoroughly that the patient exclaimed at how much the pain was relieved (this was after 8 milligrams of IV morphine had done little for the notoriously difficult-to- reduce pain of a tib-fib fracture). With the splint so securely on the patient’s lower leg, the paramedics were able to actually lift on the foot, using the splint itself as a handle point, to help get the patient out of the car!”
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Vacuum Splint Products That Simply Work Better
Since our inception, Hartwell Medical has been known for innovative design, quality craftsmanship and exceptional customer service. All of our products are subjected to real-life field tests to ensure they meet our highest clinical standards and your ever-changing needs.
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