Designed by EMS professionals with real-life street experience. The affordable, always reliable BriteView® Disposable Laryngoscope blade provides a no flex blade, a bright LED light, and is color-coded for instant size recognition, saving valuable time on-scene. Stainless steel construction means you do not have to compromise strength and reliability for the maintenance-free benefits of a single patient use LED laryngoscope blade.
The unique color-coded ball-bearing heel makes it a snap to select the correct size blade for the job at hand. The blade sizes are also etched on the side of the blade in a large format for easy selection when placed on an instrument tray.

Includes innovative package graphics that are large and clear for easy identification in an emergency airway bag, under low-light condition, or restocking your vehicle’s inventory. The BriteView® blade will not flex or break off at the handle and provides a bright, reliable LED light source. Available individually or in boxes of ten. For ordering and pricing details, please contact your local dealer representative.
Features and Benefits
• Stainless Steel From Tip To Heel Prevents Flexing Or Breaking Under Stress
• Color-Coded For Instant Size Recognition
• Single Patient Use Prevents Cross-Contamination
• Eliminates Cleaning Costs
• Super Bright LED Light For Maximum Visibility
• Compact Tear-Pack Is Easy To Open With Gloves On
• Fits All Standard Handles
• Available In Mac and Miller Styles
• Saves Valuable Time On-Scene and Critical Budget Dollars